

RoleDocumenter and database manager for a Ukrainian NGO
SkillsPlays a dual role. Oleksandra captures evidence first-hand, then collects her, and others', evidence to organize and analyze an evidence archive.
Base LocationKharkiv
Oleksandra works as a documenter and a database manager for a Ukrainian NGO.
Oleksandra is based in Kharkiv. She spends around half her time working from home and the other half traveling eastern Ukraine for work.
Oleksandra’s mode of connecting to the internet depends on where she is. While she prefers to connect via a secure WiFi network when she is managing databases and uploading content she has documented, she occasionally relies on mobile data while she is traveling to a location to record evidence of hostilities.
Oleksandra uses an iPhone to capture evidence and share information with others.
Oleksandra receives media directly from sources, from documenters collecting OSINT (scraping media from social media and other public sites), and from physical documents submitted to her.

Oleksandra's Case Summary


  • Documenting war crimes, collecting evidence of human rights abuses
  • Organizing evidence in a cohesive database
  • Keeping the database updated with new information and content
  • Leveraging the database to advance legal efforts to hold perpetrators accountable for war crimes and other human rights abuses

Goals and Motivations

  • Developing evidence bases for internal legal systems to use in efforts to prosecute Russian war crimes


  • Outdoors in conflict zones (streets, civilian infrastructure, neighborhoods, etc.) in Kharkiv region
  • Indoors in conflict zones (detention centers, bunkers, etc.) in Kharkiv region
  • Office/home in Kharkiv


  • Technical support and resources (increase database space/storage)
  • Improvements in database interfaces and operations
  • More comprehensive information and communication regarding attacks and hostilities
  • Technical training for team to streamline workflows and reduce risk of losing or compromising information

Pain points

  • Oleksandra faces threats to her physical safety
  • Inconsistent technical capacities and vocabularies among team
  • Lack of resources to build secure and sustainable databases
  • Strained relationships with State Emergency Services


  • Funding to invest in database operations
  • Training and digital tools related to communications and to database management
  • Technologies that aid Oleksandra in documenting war crimes, but are not dependent on internet connection