

SkillsDocuments human rights violations and collects witness and survivor testimonies.
Base LocationCuba
Maribel is a researcher at an NGO in Cuba.
She collects social media data to document abuses and conducts interviews to compile witness testimonies.
Maribel uses a Samsung phone to capture and share evidence.
She uses cellular data to connect to the internet on her phone. She connects to the internet using WiFi and a VPN when using her computer.

Maribel's Case Summary


  • Documents, contextualizes, and analyzes human rights violations in Cuba
  • Collects witness, survivor, and family testimonies
  • Uploads information and media to a database

Goals and Motivations

  • Maribel works to document human rights abuses in Cuba to preserve survivor stories and educate others about what is happening in the country


  • Maribel works from a home office in Cuba but often travels to collect witness testimonies.


  • Secure way to store documented media
  • Technical training on how to maintain her privacy online

Pain points

  • A lack of access to government information by the state. Available records are often untrustworthy or incomplete
  • Concerned that a bad actor could access her files
  • Various digital threats, including cyber-surveillance, disinformation, defamation, and hacking
  • Faces the risk of arbitrary detainment and extensive prison sentences.
  • Concerned that if she leaves Cuba, government officials could prohibit re-entry to the country
  • Worries that her family in Cuba may be targeted because of her work and subjected to interrogation, imprisonment, and surveillance


  • Digital security training
  • Technical training