

RoleInvestigative Journalist
SkillsRecords evidence and documents information first-hand
Base LocationSudan (unspecified city)
Leila is an investigative journalist with a local Sudanese media organization.
She often travels through the Darfur region to document human rights violations.
Leila uses a Samsung Galaxy phone to capture and share evidence.
She communicates with sources, and sends sensitive information, through encrypted messaging apps.
Leila does not have access to WiFi. She reliees entirely on mobile internet and connects using the Zain network.

Leila's Case Summary


  • Collecting witness/survivor testimony and multimedia evidence.
  • Expose and document human rights abuses.

Goals and Motivations

  • Investigate and report the realities of the situation in Sudan, especially around Darfur.


  • Darfur region and other parts of Sudan
  • Frequently in transit


  • Consistent connectivity
  • More sufficient technological equipment to support work activities (phones, computers, etc.)
  • Technical trainings (especially related to digital security)

Pain points

  • Lack of WiFi access
  • Spotty mobile internet connectivity
  • Frequent power outages affect safety and security (both physically and digitally)
  • Gaps in training and capacities (especially related to digital security)


  • Technical trainings that focus on digital security.
  • Funding for technology
  • Resources that boost or map connectivity