

RoleProject Coordinator for a Ukrainian Human Rights Group
SkillsOrganizes, maintains, and uses the first-hand evidence received from the contributor to advance a shared goal.
Base LocationKyiv
Ivan is a project coordinator with a human rights NGO.
Ivan works from home in Kyiv.
Ivan exclusively connects to the internet through secure WiFi and prefers to connect via a VPN.
Ivan uses an Android phone.
Ivan receives media directly from sources as well as from documenters collecting OSINT (scraping media from social media and other public sites) and on the ground footage.
Ivan receives a minimum of 20GB of mobile media a week.

Ivan's Case Summary


  • Managing intake of content and evidence of war crimes in Ukraine
  • Liaising with colleagues and partners across eastern Ukraine

Goals and Motivations

  • Empowering civil society actors to continue to work safely in Ukraine
  • Creating transparency about the harsh realities of the Russian invasion


  • Home in Kyiv
  • Remotely working on Kharkiv region and Donetsk region


  • Improving communication and team coherence/collaboration

Pain points

  • Ivan faces potential loss of control over information (info leakage, lack of privacy/confidentiality, interference/interception, etc.)
  • Miscommunications between colleagues and stunted workflows due to varying technical capacities and vocabularies
  • Strained resources and lack of consistent funding to support projects


  • Secure digital tools that prioritize security and privacy
  • Training for team and colleagues that strengthen technical capacities and communications
  • Increased funding and reallocation of resources to project management