

RoleDocumentary Photographer
SkillsUses photography and videography to document human rights abuses, focusing on femicide and justice issues.
Base LocationMexico City, Mexico
Gabriela uses an iPhone and professional camera equipment while documenting.
She prefers to connect to the internet using cellular data unless she can connect to her own home WiFi.

Gabriela's Case Summary


  • Gabriela’s job as a documentary photographer involves a variety of tasks. Alongside documenting human rights abuses, she also collects media from social media sites, examines disinformation campaigns, and works on video editing and post-production.

Goals and Motivations

  • Gabriela works to bring to light human rights abuses and advocate for justice and accountability.


  • She works mainly from the field to meet with eyewitnesses, which requires frequent travel.


  • Gabriela needs a way to ensure her and her contacts’ privacy and physical and digital security while also bringing evidence of injustice to light.

Pain points

  • Gabriela is concerned about the strength and security of her internet connection.
  • She worries that authorities could confiscate her phone, putting her, her media, and her contacts at risk.
  • She faces threats from Mexican authorities and worries about physical risks if her identity is known.
  • She is also concerned about her digital security and the risk of malware and hacking.


  • Digital security training
  • Access to and trainings on using secure storage