

SkillsSimultaneously records evidence/documents information while also developing, maintaining, and growing a database where these records and information are stored and potentially analyzed.
Base LocationKhartoum
Amal is an investigator at a local Sudanese human rights organization.
Amal works from an office in Khartoum and also from the field.
Amal uses a Huawei phone.
Amal receives media directly from sources as well as from documenters collecting OSINT (scraping media from social media and other public sites) and on the ground footage.
Amal typically connects to the internet via mobile data, but her connectivity preferences are often shaped by the region and context.

Amal's Case Summary


  • Collecting first-hand information, especially multimedia content (such as videos and photos) that document attacks and human rights abuses.
  • Leveraging these findings and pieces of evidence – along with other evidence collected from open-source platforms – to write research and investigative reports.
  • Coordinating with media outlets to amplify primary source content.

Goals and Motivations

  • Investigating and making public the human rights abuses taking place
  • Identifying those accountable, so that advocacy groups and legal actors can then make better decisions.
  • Preserving information that allows us to do these investigations, and that can be later shared with those groups who need it.


  • Office in Khartoum and field-based south in regions south of Khartoum.


  • For OSINT-related work, content is often deleted before it can be verified and preserved.
  • On the ground, connectivity is spotty and unreliable leading to gaps in coverage/content loss, lack of resources that specifically support archiving

Pain points

  • For OSINT-related work, content is often deleted before it can be verified and preserved.
  • Gaps in mobile data coverage and high risks associated with WiFi networks outside of familiar/secure networks in the office make connecting to the internet very challenging.
  • Limited data plans make it difficult to upload, download, and share multimedia files while on the road.


  • Funding for technology
  • Technical trainings
  • Resources that boost or map connectivity.